Best artist biography movies on youtube

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    The 10 Best Biopics About Artists, Ranked

    To encapsulate the life of a person within the constraints of a film is a daunting task; to encapsulate the life and essence of an artist, perhaps even more so.

    With only a few minutes and the medium's limitations in hand, biopic movies about artists are ambitious efforts that try to convey what made the creative in question such a crucial part of art history, whether that's through a traditional biopic narrative or a more abstract structure.

    Many filmmakers have set out to portray the lives of certain painters and sculptors.

    From Oscar laureates like Lust for Life to more underappreciated arthouse masterpieces like Andrei Rublev, these artist biopics succeed at showing the life that brought these icons to put out such extraordinary work while adding some creative elements to dive even deeper into their psyche and individuality.

    10 'Big Eyes' (2014)

    Director: Tim Burton

    Though her work earned little acclai