Cardinal bellarmine galileo

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    Robert Cardinal Bellarmine

    Robert Cardinal Bellarmine ()

    Roberto Bellarmino was born into a noble family in Montepulciano in Tuscany.

    In , he joined the Jesuit order and began his studies at the Collegio Romano, the Jesuit college in Rome. After finishing his course of studies there and studying Thomistic theology at the university of Padua, Bellarmine became the first Jesuit professor at the university of Louvain (in modern Belgium) in and was ordained as a priest the following year.

    Cardinal bellarmine galileo

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  • Situated in the Low Countries where Protestantism was gaining rapidly during this period, the university of Louvain was becomes a bulwark of Catholic orthodoxy. Bellarmine taught theology out of Thomas Acquinas's Summa Theologica and studied the Scriptures and the Church Fathers in preparation for a major work on theology.

    During his period at Louvain he wrote a Hebrew grammar and a work on the Church Fathers.

    In Bellarmine was called back to Rome by Pope Gregory XIII to teach theology