Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn

  • Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn
  • Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn series!

    Idahosa, Benson Andrew

    All articles created or submitted in the first twenty years of the project, from to

    Church of God Mission

    His Early Christian Ministry Testimony

    As a young Christian, I once heard my pastor say during a morning service that Christians could raise the dead in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn school

    I believed it with all my heart. And flying around on my bicycle in those days, I went through the city of Benin in search of a dead person to raise to life. After about five hours of hard searching I found a compound where a little girl had died a few hours before.

    The corpse had been cleaned and prepared for burial.

    Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn

  • Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn school
  • Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn series
  • Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn funeral home
  • Archbishop benson idahosa and tl osborn obituary
  • I walked boldly up to the father of the dead child. “The God whom I serve can bring your baby back to life,” I told him. “Will you permit me to pray for the child and bring her back to life?” The man was startled, but he agreed.

    With great enthusiasm, I walked into the room and up to the bed. The child was cold and dead. With s