Oprah winfrey biography book kitty kelley

  • Oprah winfrey biography book kitty kelley
  • Oprah: A Biography by Kitty Kelley | eBook - Barnes & Noble...

    Oprah winfrey book


    April 25, 2021
    Oprah in one word? Gluttonous

    I’ve been watching Oprah ever since her show went into syndication over twenty years ago. I spent countless afternoons with my grandmother, watching in amazement as the scandalous scenarios played out on Phil Donahue, Geraldo Rivera, and Oprah Winfrey.

    Talk TV was my lifeline to grownup happenings, and I felt like I was defying childhood by being able to watch it.

    Oprah was always my favourite.

    Oprah winfrey biography book kitty kelley

  • Oprah winfrey book
  • Oprah: A Biography by Kitty Kelley | eBook - Barnes & Noble
  • Oprah: A Biography - Kitty Kelley
  • Oprah: A Biography: Kelley, Kitty: 9780307394873: Amazon.com ...
  • There was something about seeing a fearless, heavyset, black woman on TV, when all I had been used to seeing were skinny, coquettish, white women, that empowered me and gave me a sense that not all was lost in the world. Even as a young, white tween I was proud of Oprah and what she stood for as a role model to females everywhere, regardless of their ethnicity.

    I saw her show as a place where all women could come together as sisters, and bridge the gap between the races. This was a feeling that I carried with me well into the new millenn