Percy bysshe shelley loves philosophy

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  • Percy bysshe shelley loves philosophy

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    Love's Philosophy

    "Love's Philosophy" is a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley published in


    The poem was published by Leigh Hunt in the December 22, issue of The Indicator and reprinted in Posthumous Poems in edited by Mary Shelley.[1] It was included in the Harvard manuscript book where it is headed "An Anacreontic", dated "January, ".

    Anacreontics are poems written in the style of the ancient Greek poet Anacreon, known for his celebrations of love. Shelley wrote it in a copy of Leigh Hunt's Literary Pocket-Book, , which was presented to Sophia Stacey, December 29,

    The poem is divided in two 8-line stanzas with an ABABCDCD rhyme scheme.[2]

    The main theme is the relationship between the "connection" that exists for things in the natural world and the poet's desire to be connected to his object of affection.

    Shelley asks how there can be unity in nature but a lack of union in human relationships.

    The poetic devices Shelley uses in the po