Katie chase author biography formation
Katie chase author biography formation
Famous american author biography.
An Interview with Katie Chase
Katie Chase is the author of Man and Wife, a story collection that Edan Lepucki calls “comic and horrific.”
Katie Chase is the author of the story collection, Man and Wife.
Her fiction has appeared in Missouri Review, Narrative, ZYZZYVA, Prairie Schooner, Mississippi Review, and the Best American Short Stories and Pushcart Prize anthologies.
A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she was the recipient of a Teaching-Writing Fellowship, a Provost’s Postgraduate Writing Fellowship, and a Michener-Copernicus Award. She has also been a fellow of the MacDowell Colony and the Center for Steinbeck Studies at San José State University.
Born and raised outside Detroit, Michigan, she lives currently in Portland, Oregon.
To read an exercise about creating suspense with stand-ins for characters, inspired by Chase’s story “Man and Wife,” click here.
In this interview, Chase discusses the “authori